A Physician Office Lab (POL) is
A physician, partnership, or group maintained laboratory that performs diagnostic tests to diagnose, prevent, and/or treat disease or health risks in a patient as part of the physician practice.

Owned by You, Run by You
We provide physicians with turnkey solutions for initiating and operating a scalable Physician Office Lab (POL).
Depending on your lab needs, we can:
Set Up Your Lab
Partner with Clinlab.AI's POL as a service to create a cutting-edge, turnkey laboratory for your practice.
Manage Your Lab
​Optimize your laboratory with Clinlab.AI to get relief from the operational complexities of running your POL.
Supply Your Lab
Leverage Clinlab.AI's preferential vendor partnerships to access your lab supplies when you need them.​
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will my lab be profitable?
Generally, a lab with over 20 samples a day will be profitable. Profitability depends on the volume of patients and the insurance mix. Please contact Clinlab.AI's sales team for a detailed analysis.
2. My practice has multiple locations. Can we send a test sample to one for testing?
Yes. A physician group may utilize a centralized building for the testing of all their patients. For more information, please reference Medicare’s ‘Fee for Service Payment’ regulations.​
3. Can we share a lab with practice in same building?
Yes. Physicians in the same building may share a laboratory. Special care must be taken to ensure a physicain is medically supervising the testing of their patients. Please reach out to Clinlab.AI's sales team for more details.
4. Who will handle compliance, accreditation, regulatory?
Clinlab.AI will handle all aspects of compliance, accreditation, and regulatory, along with all other matters involved with developing and managing your POL.